Welcome back guys so today we are talking about Barclays Bank and more specifically we are talking about Barclay credit card login how to login on your mobile device through a browser so let’s go ahead and get this started.
so first off there’s a few things that you’re gonna need in order to register your account to be able to log in to Barclays that’s going to be or paper Barclay credit card login statement your physical Barclay credit card login and then lastly your social security number so make sure you have those things available when you are starting this process.
and then what you want to do is just open up your browser whether it’s Safari or Google Chrome and go to this website it’s Barclaycard us comm so it’s kind of a long website I’ll leave a link in the description so be sure to check there.
so once you are on this website here it will pull up the login screen which is what you have right here and if you already have your username and password you can go ahead and enter that now. however, if you haven’t received one yet and you’ll need to register and that’s pretty easy all you’re gonna need to do is go here with a new card number set up online access so we’ll go ahead and click there.
alright so I went ahead and click there and then it brings you to the signup screen right here and they will need to verify your identity as you can see right here and how you do that is pretty simple you just enter the last four digits of your social security number your date of birth your Barclay credit card login account number and then your current occupation right here so you want to choose whichever one that you had used when you set up this account with the application process and lastly you want to choose are you a United States citizen so with that information this is used to verify your identity before they give you online access to personal Barclay credit card login information.
once that’s entered just click continue and then once you hit click continue then it’s gonna bring you on to the next step and just walk you through step by step to register your account just verifying some information it’s pretty easy so once you have registered your account online then you’ll be able to login to online access for your Barclay credit card login so let me go and switch back to the home screen.
alright so here we are back on the home screen so once you have registered and you have your username and password it’s pretty easy so on this screen that’s already populated right here however if you happen to fall onto a different Barclays credit card login screen and what you want to do is click login right here and then to click login as you can see it brings this dropbox right back down so you’ll want to go ahead and enter username and password and then this little box right here is pretty important remember username don’t click that if you share this device with someone else because what its gonna do is remember your username right here and that way it’s easier for you to log in each time however if you share your device with someone else it gives it less protection for someone to log in and compromise your credit-card account so again only check that box if you and only you use that device.
and once you’ve entered the username and password then you’ll want to click login and then if you are using a new device or a new browser they will need to send you a verification code via text message or email to the one that you had registered the account with and that’s just set up to verify that it is you and actually you are gaining access to the Barclays credit card login accounts so just be aware of that.
now what if you forgot your password that again is pretty easy all you do is just scroll right down to right here in this blue line it says forgot username or password and you’ll want to click there alright so I went ahead and clicked there and then as you can see right here it says retrieve your username and reset your password but they do need to verify your identity so what you’re gonna need to enter is the last four of your social security number your date of birth and then your account number so if you don’t have your credit card login account number you’ll just want to look on the physical Barclay credit card login or you can look at one of your paper Barclay credit card login statements and that will have it available for you once you enter that information and you want to click continue and then that’s gonna walk you through the steps to that prompts you to change your password including emailing a verification link.
all right so there you have it that is how you register for online access to your Barclays credit card login account also how to log in to your Barclays credit card login account and lastly how to reset your password or if you forgot your username account for your Barclays credit card so hopefully, you found this useful