Pool Corp 360

Are you looking to manage your pool in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible? Look no further than Pool Corp 360. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about this powerful software tool, from its features and benefits to how to get started using it.

pool corp 360
pool corp 360

What is Pool Corp 360?

Pool Corp 360 is a comprehensive pool management software that helps pool professionals manage their businesses more efficiently. The software offers a range of features designed to simplify the management of pool-related tasks, from scheduling maintenance appointments to tracking inventory and managing customer accounts.

Why Choose Pool Corp 360?

There are many reasons to choose Pool Corp 360 as your pool management solution. Here are just a few of the benefits of using this powerful software:

1. Streamlined Operations

Pool Corp 360 offers a range of tools designed to help you streamline your business operations. With features like automated scheduling and inventory tracking, you can save time and reduce errors, leaving you more time to focus on your customers.

2. Enhanced Customer Service

With Pool Corp 360, you can provide your customers with a higher level of service than ever before. The software allows you to easily manage customer accounts and track their service history, making it easy to address any issues or concerns they may have.

3. Improved Profitability

By streamlining your operations and enhancing your customer service, you can improve your profitability with Pool Corp 360. The software helps you keep track of your expenses and revenue, giving you a clear picture of your financial performance.

Features of Pool Corp 360

Here are some of the key features of Pool Corp 360:

1. Scheduling and Dispatch

Pool Corp 360 makes it easy to schedule maintenance appointments and dispatch your technicians. The software allows you to see your entire schedule at a glance, and you can easily assign tasks to individual technicians.

2. Inventory Management

With Pool Corp 360, you can track your inventory and ensure that you always have the supplies you need on hand. The software allows you to set up automated reordering, so you never run out of essential items.

3. Customer Management

Pool Corp 360 makes it easy to manage your customer accounts and track their service history. You can easily add new customers, view their account information, and track any issues or concerns they may have.

4. Billing and Invoicing

The software allows you to easily create and send invoices to your customers, and you can track their payment history and outstanding balances.

5. Reporting and Analytics

With Pool Corp 360, you can generate reports and analytics that give you insight into your business performance. The software allows you to track your revenue and expenses, as well as monitor your customer satisfaction levels.

Getting Started with Pool Corp 360

Getting started with Pool Corp 360 is easy. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Sign Up for a Free Trial

Pool Corp 360 offers a free trial so you can try out the software before you commit. Simply visit the website and sign up for the trial.

2. Set Up Your Account

Once you have signed up for the trial, you will need to set up your account. This involves entering your business information and configuring the software to meet your needs.

3. Add Your Customers

The next step is to add your customers to the system. This allows you to manage their accounts and track their service history.

4. Schedule Maintenance Appointments

With your customers added to the system, you can start scheduling maintenance appointments and dispatching your technicians.

5. Use the Reporting and Analytics Features

Once you have started using Pool Corp 360, you can take advantage of its powerful reporting and analytics features. These tools allow you to generate reports and analyze data to gain insight into your business performance. You can track your revenue and expenses, monitor customer satisfaction levels, and identify areas where you can improve your operations.


  1. Is Pool Corp 360 easy to use?

Yes, Pool Corp 360 is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. The software offers a range of features that are intuitive and easy to navigate.

  1. Can I try Pool Corp 360 before I buy it?

Yes, Pool Corp 360 offers a free trial so you can try out the software before you commit to purchasing it.

  1. Does Pool Corp 360 offer customer support?

Yes, Pool Corp 360 offers customer support to help you with any issues or questions you may have. You can contact their support team by phone or email.

  1. Can I use Pool Corp 360 on my mobile device?

Yes, Pool Corp 360 is mobile-friendly and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.

  1. How much does Pool Corp 360 cost?

The cost of Pool Corp 360 varies depending on the features you need and the size of your business. Contact their sales team for more information on pricing.


Pool Corp 360 is a powerful tool for managing your pool business more efficiently. With its range of features, you can streamline your operations, enhance your customer service, and improve your profitability. By taking advantage of the software’s reporting and analytics tools, you can gain insight into your business performance and make data-driven decisions. So why wait? Sign up for a free trial today and see how Pool Corp 360 can help you take your pool business to the next level.

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